Archives for asbestos siding

Sure, most people wouldn’t have asked for Asbestos for Christmas, but we did – and it arrived early!

To be clear we didn’t get a big box of asbestos – we got approval to write dwellings with Asbestos siding in ALL iMGA dwelling programs (Texas Elite Non-Admitted HOA/HOA+/HOB, Admitted HOA/HOA+, TDP1/TDP3 and Vacant).

West Texas House with Asbestos Siding
This much-requested change is effective immediately, so sign in today to quote a personal property policy – now with or without Asbestos siding!

As always, if you have any questions about any of our products, please call 512.494.4161 and Tony (at extension 12) or Mike (at extension 13) will be glad to help you.

House with siding photo courtesy Flickr user pasfam

Thanks to suggestions that we receive from our agency partners, iMGA is able to bring continued improvements to help you better serve your clients’ needs. The latest mass request was for a product for asbestos, aluminum, and vinyl siding. We are pleased to announce that …

iMGA can now accept dwellings with asbestos, aluminum, and vinyl siding in our non-admitted HOA/HOA+/HOB product!

Homes with these sidings are rated as easily as you have become accustomed to in our online quote, bind and issue system. Aluminum and vinyl siding will require a cosmetic damage exclusion be signed by the insured. This endorsement is automatically generated along with the policy so that no referral is required.

We are working to expand availability to our admitted programs as well, but are pleased to be able to offer you this option now.

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