I heard from my old agent friend Joe today. He said Rob, I haven't seen the market this bad in a long time, maybe never this bad. We are having to shop every renewal, and I'm down in the dumps.
Joe's comments made me think of Roxie. I'm lucky to have a friend like Roxie. When I get down, she will offer me encouragement in the way that only the young can do. The young know that it will be fun again soon, bad times don't last forever, and the cookie is never too far down the road.
So I said, Joe, you and I have seen this crap many times before, and it always turns. We're definitely in some very tough times. However, even in this market, we are working on a bunch of changes to our products to lower the prices, and expand our eligibilities. We'll be announcing these very soon. Listen Buddy, I know that you can't remember what you had for breakfast, but don't forget all the things that we already offer to help you sell our policies. We offer a multi-policy discount...I was about to get on a roll when Joe interrupted.....
Now wait, you don't write auto. So, how does your multi-policy discount work?
Your customer just needs to have another policy with your agency, I said. It doesn't need to be a policy with us to qualify. Don't tell me that you don't have another policy for most of your customers somewhere in your agency. Just remember to answer Yes to the Multi-Policy Discount Applies question towards the end of the quote. I continued.....not only do we NOT run credit scores but.....
We are fine if your customer has had a lapse in coverage.
We don't do those silly satellite inspections that don't tell much about the risk.
We don't penalize for volunteer fire departments and.....
We write protection classes 8, 9, and 10 all day long.
We cross sell all of our clients, and hit on most of them, Joe said. I'll make sure to tell my folks to remember those points and the multi-policy discount. Thanks buddy, let's grab a beer next week...and he hung up.
I sat back happy to catch up with my old buddy. You were right Roxie, I said. When we get those new changes programmed, we are going to make a lot of people happy. I lit my cigar, picked up her ball, and gave it throw. Off she ran wagging her tail jumping in excitement to bring it back to me for another throw.
Oh! I forgot to tell you. Here's a picture of Roxie, our 10 month old Boykin Spaniel. She's a kick and wise for her age.