Photo courtesy of One Way Stock.

Photo courtesy of One Way Stock.

It’s almost one full month into the year now. Many people have given up on their resolutions already.

But at iMGA we are looking forward to our best year yet! Already we’ve seen:

  • A large percentage of insureds signing up for our new automatic payment option.
  • Increased submissions from existing agents.
  • Quotes and applications from agents who had not previously been producing business with us.
  • Continued growth in new agencies, particularly in the Western parts of the state.

What’s even more exciting is that we know that – as we continue to improve our products and services as a result of your suggestions – the best is yet to come.

So thank you very much for all you do and please keep those great suggestions coming. We’ll do our best to implement them as quickly as possible and together we’ll make 2013 the best year yet.

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